A lightweight `bind' macro
Tue, 29 Dec 2009
In my recent work I found myself writing a lot of code that looked like the following:
(destructuring-bind (x y) point (destructuring-bind (x1 y1 w h) frame (let ((x2 (+ x1 w)) (y2 (+ y1 h))) (and (>= x x1) (<= x x2) (>= y y1) (<= y y2)))))
The above example is a bit contrived, for effect, but hopefully conveys the general idea.
What I wanted was a Clojure style let
which could destructure inline. There was one Common Lisp implementation (metabang-bind), which had some nice features, but it was bit much for my needs. So I came up with my own lightweight bind
macro (see below), which lets me rewrite the above example as:
(bind (((x y) point) ((x1 y1 w h) frame) (x2 (+ x1 w)) (y2 (+ y1 h))) (and (>= x x1) (<= x x2) (>= y y1) (<= y y2)))
Way better, IMHO.
Oh, here's the bind
macro in its entirety:
(defmacro bind (clauses &body body) "This macro combines the behaviour of the forms `let*', `destructuring-bind', and `multiple-value-bind', permitting the following style of binding form: (bind (((:values m n) (values 10 20)) ((a b &key (c 10)) '(1 2)) (x 5)) (+ x a b c m n)) => 48 This is a more limited and lightweight implementation of some ideas from metabang-bind (http://common-lisp.net/project/metabang-bind/)." (cond ((null clauses) `(progn ,@body)) ((and (listp (caar clauses)) (eq (caaar clauses) :values)) `(multiple-value-bind ,(cdaar clauses) ,@(cdar clauses) (bind ,(cdr clauses) ,@body))) ((listp (caar clauses)) `(destructuring-bind ,(caar clauses) ,@(cdar clauses) (bind ,(cdr clauses) ,@body))) (t `(let (,(car clauses)) (bind ,(cdr clauses) ,@body)))))